7-2 Security
Writer: Jennifer Hale Saved by: Jennifer Hale Saved date: 06/03/99 3:25 PM
Part Number: 103182-001 File name: ch07.doc
Login Password (Windows NT 4.0 only)
Used to log in to Windows NT 4.0. When combined with the
previously mentioned security features, prevents unauthorized
users from accessing your hard drive.
Disabling devices through Computer Setup
Prevents unauthorized use of specified computer components.
Security screw
Helps prevent unauthorized removal of hard drive.
Cable lock provision
Provides a way to secure the computer, optional desktop
expansion base, or optional convenience base to a fixed object.
DriveLock Feature


DriveLock security prevents unauthorized access to hard drive
applications and user data. DriveLock sets a user password and a
master password for each removable hard drive in the computer.
NOTE: DriveLock protects or unlocks the computer hard drive(s)
only when inserted into either the hard drive bay or the MultiBay.
Do not use DriveLock if you want to use a hard drive in the
desktop expansion base or convenience base. If you place a
protected hard drive into the desktop expansion base or
convenience base MultiBay, it will remain locked and cannot be
The correct user password must be entered when the computer is
turned on before a protected hard drive can be accessed. The
owner of a user password should be the day-to-day user of the
hard drive. The user password will be required even if the hard
drive is inserted into another computer.
The master password is used to remove DriveLock protection and
to gain access to the hard drive instead of the user password. The
owner of the master password may be the system administrator.