Optional Internal Modem 8-3
Writer: JHale Saved by: Jennifer Hale Saved date: 06/04/99 10:26 AM
Part Number: 103182-001 File name: ch08.doc
Understanding How the Modem WorksThe modem serves two major functions:
■ Data communications—allows your computer to send
information to and receive information from an online service,
a host mainframe computer that provides electronic mail, and
even other personal computers.
■ Facsimile (fax)—allows your computer to both send and
receive text and images from facsimile (fax) machines or other
After setting up your software, you are ready to start using your
modem. In most cases, if you are using communications and fax
software, the software will control the modem and you will not
need to use the AT command set. Simply select the internal
modem as the preferred communication device in your
If you prefer to configure the modem using AT commands, you
can access them in two locations:
■ Compaq Web site—www.compaq.com/support/portables.
■ Preinstalled on your computer—select StartÅCompaq
Information CenterÅModem Commands
NOTE: The maximum connection speed on a call is determined by
the speed of the slowest modem on the connection. Your modem
will automatically negotiate the fastest possible speed with the
remote modem.
Changing the Country SelectionThe internal modem is configured to meet operating approval in
the country where you purchased your computer. If the modem is
used in other countries during travel, the country selection setting
for the modem needs to change to meet the telecommunications
regulations for that country.
To determine which type of modem you have, select
StartÅSettingsÅControl PanelÅModems:
■ If "3Com" is not part of the modem name, select
StartÅSettingsÅControl PanelÅModemsÅDialing
Properties, then select the country where you will be using the