Additional Features 10-9
Writer: jhale Saved by: jabercrombie Saved date: 06/07/99 11:08 AM
Part Number: 103182-001 File name: ch10.doc
If you are running Windows NT 4.0 without CardWare
provided by Compaq, turn off the computer.
IMPORTANT: Before a new PC Card can be used, it may be
necessary to perform an initial setup procedure. Be sure to follow
the PC Card manufacturer’s instructions for installing the needed
card-specific device drivers.
Removing a PC CardIf you are running Windows 95 or Windows 98, double-click the
PC Card icon in the taskbar. Select the PC Card you want to stop
and click Stop Card. A message displays when the PC Card can be
safely removed.
CAUTION: If you are running Windows 95 or Windows 98, you
should always stop PC Cards before removing them to prevent
damage to the PC Card or computer.
If you are running Windows NT 4.0 without CardWare, you must
turn off the computer before removing a PC Card.