8-2 Optional Internal Modem
Writer: JHale Saved by: Jennifer Hale Saved date: 06/04/99 10:26 AM
Part Number: 103182-001 File name: ch08.doc

Connecting the Modem

!WARNING: To reduce the risk of electrical shock, fire, or damage to
the equipment, do not plug a telephone cable into the Ethernet
RJ-45 jack. Always ensure that the modem line is disconnected from
the telephone network when opening the equipment’s enclosure.
To connect the modem to a standard telephone wall jack
1. Connect one end of the modem cable into the RJ-11 jack .
The RJ-11 jack is the one on the left.
IMPORTANT: The internal modem uses a universal DAA (Direct
Access Arrangement) that supports multiple countries.
However, some countries may require an adapter to connect
the modem to the telephone wall jack .
The modem cable includes EMI suppression circuitry near the
end of the computer. For continued EMI emissions
compliance, plug that end of the cable into the computer.
2. Plug the opposite end of the cable into a standard telephone
wall jack .
IMPORTANT: Wall jacks for digital PBX systems may resemble
standard telephone jacks but are not compatible with analog
devices such as modems. Be sure the modem cable is
connected to a regular analog phone line. Plugging the modem
into a digital line is not recommended. The modem includes
protective circuitry against the digital lines that may produce a
beep or a series of beeps if it detects excess current.