Security 7-9
Writer: Jennifer Hale Saved by: Jennifer Hale Saved date: 06/03/99 3:25 PM
Part Number: 103182-001 File name: ch07.doc
Enabling/Disabling Quick Controls
The QuickLock/QuickBlank feature must be enabled before you
can initiate it with the Fn+F6 hotkeys. This feature will remain
enabled until you disable it.
To enable or disable QuickLock/QuickBlank
1. Access Password Properties by selecting
StartÅSettingsÅControl PanelÅPasswordsÅComputer
Security tab.
2. Under the Quick Controls section, click in the box to
enable/disable QuickLock, QuickBlank, or QuickLock on
Suspend. An X in the box indicates that
QuickLock/QuickBlank is enabled.
Disabling and Enabling Devices
Use Computer Setup to disable or enable devices such as the
diskette drive, diskette drive boot ability, serial port, infrared port,
parallel port, and PC Card slots.
1. Run Computer Setup.
2. Select SecurityÅDevice Security, enter your preferences, then
press F10. You will need to enter your setup password if it is
NOTE: Settings for a DVD-ROM drive can be entered in the
CD-ROM field.
3. Select FileÅSave Changes and Exit, then press Enter.
4. When prompted to confirm your action, press F10. Your
computer will restart with the new preferences.
IMPORTANT: Devices disabled in Computer Setup cannot be
enabled in the operating system. If you are disabling a device
as a security measure, use the Computer Setup Security Menu.