6-10 Drives
Writer: Jennifer Hale Saved by: jabercrombie Saved date: 06/03/99 3:22 PM
Part Number: 103182-001 File name: ch06.doc
Inserting a Disc into the CD-ROM Drive or DVD-ROM Drive1. Turn the computer on.
2. Press the media eject button on the front panel to release the
media tray.
3. Slowly pull out the tray until it is fully extended.
4. Remove the disc from its protective case and press it onto the
tray spindle . Handle the disc by the edges, not by the flat
5. Push lightly on the front panel of the media tray to
close it.
The drive performs a diagnostic check and automatically begins
reading the table of contents (TOC) on the disc. The light on the
drive turns on while the TOC is being read. The light turns off
when the drive is ready to receive commands.