11-2 Computer Setup and Diagnostics
Writer: Jennifer Hale Saved by: jabercrombie Saved date: 06/02/99 1:49 PM
Part Number: 103182-001 File name: Ch11.doc
Using Computer SetupAll information and settings in Computer Setup are accessed from
the File, Security, or Advanced menus. The items on each of these
menus are described on the following pages.
NOTE: Your settings in Computer Setup are not affected by
updating the system ROM.
To view information or change a setting in Computer Setup
1. Turn on or restart the computer. When the blinking cursor
appears in the upper-right corner of the screen, press F10.
■ To change the language, press F2.
■ To view navigation information, press F1.
■ To return to the Computer Setup menu from anywhere in
Computer Setup, press Esc.
2. Select the File, Security, or Advanced menu.
3. To close Computer Setup and restart the computer
■ Select FileÅIgnore Changes and Exit, then press Enter.
■ Select FileÅSave Changes and Exit, then press Enter.
4. To confirm your choice, press F10.