10-12 Additional Features
Writer: jhale Saved by: jabercrombie Saved date: 06/07/99 11:08 AM
Part Number: 103182-001 File name: ch10.doc
Accessing the Web Agent
Your computer may have a preinstalled Web Agent that enables
you and your Information Services department to view computer
configuration information using Web technology. To access this
feature, select StartÅCompaq Information CenterÅInsight Web
If your computer does not have a preinstalled Web Agent, you can
download it from the Compaq Web site at www.compaq.com.
Asset Management
AssetControl enables the user to retrieve component
information when on the road or connected to the network.
AssetControl also enables the network administrator to
remotely retrieve information from any Compaq computer
connected to the network. The information can be used to
assist in tracking and maintaining the computer and its
components. It provides the following information:
Inventory information—The network administrator can
retrieve information about the computer over the network by
using Compaq Insight Manager or any PC management tool
provided by Compaq Solution Partners. Asset control
information retrieved from the computer includes
Manufacturer, model, and serial number of Compaq
computers, monitors, hard drives, battery packs, memory
boards, processor speeds, and operating systems
Asset tag
System board and ROM revision levels
BIOS settings
Diagnostic information—Compaq Diagnostics for Windows
includes information on hard drives, ports, and video, sound,
and other components. This application also allows the user to
run multithreaded tests on hardware components. If problems
are found, recommendations are provided.
All of the above information can be viewed, printed, or