Chapter 3 Configuring NetPassage 15B
Make sure that the power supply is not cut off during the firmware
upgrade process. If the NetPassage 15B looses power supply during
firmware upgrade process, the firmware will be corrupted and the
NetPassage 15B will no longer be functional.
3.8.4 Profile Saving, Restore & Reset to Defaults
You may save the configuration profile of your NetPassage 15B onto the hard disk of
your managing computer and restore this profile in a later time. You may also reset the
configuration of your NetPassage 15B to factory defaults.
1. Click on the Save or Reset Settings URL from the Command Menu and the
following page will be displayed, as shown in Figure 3.8.4-1.
Figure 3.8.4-1
Saving, Restore and Reset
2. Press the Save button if you wish to save the configuration profile into NetPassage
15B’s flash ROM. Press the Backup button if you want to save the configuration
profile onto the hard disk. If you want to restore a profile, press the Browse button
to select the file from the hard disk and press the Restore button. If you wish to
reset your NetPassage 15B back to factory defaults, press the Clear and Reset
Pressing the Clear and Reset button will discard all the
configuration you have saved to NetPassage 15B’s flash ROM.
3.8.5 Rebooting NetPassage 15B
You may reboot your NetPassage 15B manually from the web-based management
interface. Please always ensure that the changes have been saved before rebooting the