Chapter 3 Configuring NetPassage 15B
Figure 3.2.2-1
Changing WAN Type
4. Press the Change button and the list of supported WAN type will be displayed, as
shown in Figure 3.2.1-2.
5. Check the Static IP Address radio button and press the Save button. The Static IP
Configuration page will then be displayed, as shown in Figure 3.2.2-2.
Figure 3.2.2-2
Static IP Configuration
6. Enter the IP Address, the Network Mask and the ISP’s Gateway IP Address into
the fields. These information are provided by your ISP. Press the Save button
followed by the Reboot button to complete the configuration process.
3.2.3 ADSL Internet using PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
If you have subscribed to ADSL Internet service using standard PPP over Ethernet
(PPPoE) for authentication, you need to configure your NetPassage 15B to support
1. Click on the WAN Setup URL from the Command Menu and the WAN
configuration page will be displayed, as shown in Figure 3.2.2-1.