Chapter 3 Configuring NetPassage 15B
Reconnect Time Factor This field is associated with Always-On option. This field
allows you to specify a Reconnect Time Factor (RTF). The
default value is 30 seconds. If Always-On option is
selected with an RTF of 30 seconds, your NetPassage 15B
will stay connected to the ISP even when there is no
Internet traffic present. If disconnected by the ISP,
NetPassage 15B will perform a delay for a random period
between 1 to RTF seconds (for RTF value of 30, the
random period is drawn between 1 to 30 seconds), and
reconnect to the ISP.
Use non-standard PPPOE
Ethernet type Certain Ethernet-based ADSL modem requires non-
standard PPP over Ethernet for authentication. If you are
uncertain about this, DO NOT “check” this box.
5. Press the Save button followed by the Reboot button to complete the configuration
3.2.4 Singapore SingTel Magix SuperSurf
You should use this WAN type only if you are a subscriber of SingTel Magix SuperSurf
in Singapore. If you have subscribed to SingNet Broadband or Pacific Internet
Broadband, please go to Section 3.2.3 titled ADSL Internet using PPP over Ethernet
1. Click on the WAN Setup URL from the Command Menu and the WAN
configuration page will be displayed, as shown in Figure 3.2.2-1.
2. Press the Change button and the list of supported WAN type will be displayed, as
shown in Figure 3.2.1-2.
3. Check the Singapore ADSL (Ethernet 512K) radio button and press the Save
button. The configuration page for SingTel Magix SuperSurf will be displayed, as
shown in Figure 3.2.4-1.
Figure 3.2.4-1
SingTel Magix SuperSurf
Configuration Page