Appendix C Troubleshooting
Appendix C Frequently Asked Questions
C.1 Based on which firmware release is this User’s Manual written?
This User’s Manual is written based on NetPassage 15B firmware release 2.74 build
C.2 I have forgotten the IP address that I have set on my NetPassage 15B, what should
I do?
You may run the utility NPFIND.EXE located in the Product CD, it will report the IP
address of the NetPassage 15B found in the network.
C.3 The “CONN” LED on my NetPassage 15B is flashing rapidly, and I cannot connect
to the web-based configuration interface, why?
The rapid flashing of the “CONN” LED indicates that the router firmware has been
corrupted. The firmware recovery utility may be found on the Product CD.
C.4 I have configured NetPassage 15B with my broadband Internet account. I am able
to PING the ISP gateway IP address. However, I cannot surf the Internet.
If you have not configured the DHCP server to configure the DNS information of the
computers in the network, you need to manually configure the DNS entry on every
computer. Without the DNS server, your will not be able to resolve domain name (eg into IP address. Refer to Section 2.2.2 on how to configure for
DNS server on the computer.
C.5 I am using Cable Internet and have tried to configure NetPassage 15B to work with
it. I just couldn’t get the ISP to release an IP to me. When I connected my
computer directly to the Cable modem, I am able to surf the Internet.
Your ISP has probably logged the MAC address of your computer. You should clone the
MAC address of your computer to NetPassage 15B. Refer to paragraph titled Cloning
MAC Address to NetPassage 15B under Section 3.2
C.6 I have forgotten the IP address and the log in password. Is there any possibility to
reset NetPassage 15B to factory’s default.
You can perform a hardware reset by first removing the covering case of NetPassage
15B. Manipulate the jumpers according to the table below to achieve the desired effect.
Action Normal Reset Password to
default value Reset to factory
default setting
JP4 Closed Closed Closed
JP5 Closed Open Closed
JP6 Closed Closed Open
*Note: JP4: Reserved for future use. It is always Closed.