Cooper Bussmann 9752 manual Press

Models: 9752

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1. Press ￿.
If the system detects that the fault has been rectified, then the lamps go dark.
￿and ￿
The ￿and ￿lamps will continue to glow for as long as the fault is present.
The tone stops and the display may briefly show:
1. Key in your access code.
What To Do When ￿and ￿Glow
If you still cannot set the system then call the Installer.
2. Carry on and set the system as normal.
The keypad display shows:
If the ￿and ￿lamps remain glowing for more than five minutes then call your alarm service company and report the fault.
You can set the system while the ￿and ￿lamps are lit. When setting you may again briefly see the message "Plugby Line Fail". However, note that if a communication fault is present during an alarm then the system may not be able to report the alarm to the alarm receiving centre.
The system records all types of communication failure in the log as "Tel Line Fault". If the fault clears itself the system will record that as "Tel Line Re- store".
Unsetting the System
WARNING: If you enter your premises and an internal alarm starts then there may be an intruder.
Unsetting From a Keyswitch
Turn the keyswitch to OFF. The system unsets immediately.
Unsetting From the Keypad
The system has a programmed entry time. Ask your Installer to make sure the entry time is long enough for you to enter by the designated entry route,
If you hear an intermittent tone from the keypad, and both the￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿and ￿ lamps glow then your system may have experienced a temporary communi- cation fault.
2￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿. Everyday Operation

1. Press ￿.


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Cooper Bussmann 9752 manual Press