Cooper Bussmann 9752 As you trigger a detector the, keypad and internal sounder give a, beep

Models: 9752

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As you trigger a detector the
The display shows:
3. Press 1, 2 or 3 (as instructed by your Installer) then ￿.
Your system starts calling your Installer's computer.
Your alarm system may be connected to <Downloader> for several minutes.
When the <Downloader> has finished and the connection is broken the keypad display shows the time and date.
2. Press 0.
1. Key in your access code.
Your Installer may be using a personal computer connected to the telephone network in order to program your alarm system. The software1￿￿￿￿1￿￿￿￿￿the Installer uses to program your alarm system is called <Downloader>.
There may be times when your Installer asks you to make your alarm system start a telephone call out to the Installer's <Downloader> . Your alarm system is programmed to call three different telephone numbers. You do not have to know these numbers, your Installer will tell you to select one of them by pressing keys 1, 2 or 3. To start the call:
1. You can abandon the test at any time by pressing ￿.
2. You cannot test Fire, PA or other types of 24 hour zone with this command.
3. You cannot test tamper circuits with this command.
Starting a Call Out to <Downloader>
￿(￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿4. Special Functions

As you trigger a detector the


keypad and internal sounder give a


short tone. The display shows the


zone number of any detector(s)


that you have triggered. If there is

more than one detector triggered


then the display show the number


of each detector in turn.


4. Press ￿to stop the test when you have triggered all the detectors.

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Cooper Bussmann 9752 As you trigger a detector the, keypad and internal sounder give a, short tone. The display shows the