FlavorFusion® Training Manual
Power cord is | Carbonator pump motor is disabled. | Check the enable/disable switch on the |
connected but |
| carbonator pump terminal box and |
carbonator pump |
| enable it, if necessary. |
does not run. |
| Probes were dry, unit was powered up, | This results in a 5 minute timeout. |
| water was not turned on, and | Unplugging the unit and plugging it in |
| carbonator did not fill. | will reset the unit and start the |
| carbonator pump. |
| Water service was interrupted for more | Unplugging the unit and plugging it in |
| than 5 minutes. | will reset the unit and start the |
| carbonator pump. |
Carbonator pump is | Lower liquid level probe reads “dry” | Check color of leads going to probes. |
short cycling with | while upper probe reads “wet” | Black should go to bottom probe and |
every drink drawn |
| white to top probe. Reverse if incorrect. |
Carbonator tank | A. Poor electrical connections between | A. Check connections at carbonator |
overfills, overflows | carbonator tank and main control board | tank and at connector J4 on the main |
through relief valve, |
| control board. |
and pump shuts off |
after 5 minutes. |
| B. Broken wires between carbonator | B. Replace wire harness |
| tank and main control board |
| C. Defective liquid level probes | C. Replace both liquid level probes |
Publication Number: TP01070 | - 18 - | © |