
al silenciador


Inspeccioneperi6dicamenteel silenciadory reempl4celode ser


necesario.Los repuestosdelsilenciadordebenserlos mismosy sedebeninstalarenla mismaposici6nquelas piezasoriginales.

La temperatura del silenciador y de ias zonas de motor cercanas puede superar los 150o F (65oC). Evite p6ngase en contactocon esas zonas.





3.Retireel pre-limpiadordeel filtro.

4.Paraaflojarlos desechos,y golpearsuavementeenel filtrosobre unasuperficiedura.Si elfiltroest4demasiadosucio,sustituircon unnuevofiltro.

5.Lavarel pre-limpiadorenIfquidodetergentey agua.Permitirque el airecompletamenteseco.No aceitedela pre-cleaner.

6.Montarel secopre-limpiadorparael filtro.

7.Instalarel filtroenel motorde basey empujehaciaabajohasta queencajeelfiltroen su lugar.


Bujia de Encendido

1.Limpieel&teaalrededorde labasede la bujia.No lijela bujia. Se debelimpiarlas bujiasmedianteraspadootalladocon cepillode alambrey lavadocon unsolventecomerciak

Saquee inspeccionela bujia.Verifiquelaseparaci6npara asegurarsede queest&fijadaen0.030".Veala Figura11.


,L l

•,_----Separaci6n de 0.030 (0.76mm)




Limpie el Motor

oDiariamenteo antesde cadauso,limpieelc@sped,lagrasao los residuosacumuladosdelmotor.Mantengalimpiosel varillaje,los resortesy los controles.

Mantengael 4reaquerodeaal silenciadory detr4sdel mismo librede cualquierresiduocombustible.

Elmantenimientodel motorencondicioneslimpiaspermiteel movimientode airealrededordel mismo.

Laspartesdel motorse debenmantenerlimpiasparareducir

el riesgode sobrecalentamientoy combusti6nde los residuos acumulados.

No use agua para limpiar ias piezas dei motor. Elagua puede contaminar el sistema de combustible. Use un cepillo o un trapo seco.

Ajuste del Carburador

Elcarburadordeeste motornoes ajustable.


Los Rodamientos de las Ruedas Delanteras

Lubriquelos rodarnientosde las ruedasdelanterascon unagrasade litiomultiusoNo.2. cada25 horasdeoperaci6n.Losaccesoriosde lubricaci6nseencuentranen laIlantadentrodecada ruedadelantera.

Los Husillos y la IVi_nsula intermedia de la Plata= forrna

Lubriquelos husillosy la m_nsulaintermediade plataformacon una grasade litio multiusoNo. 2. cada 10horasdeoperaci6n.

Losaccesoriosdelubricaci6nde los husillosde plataformaestan en los aiojamientosde los husillos,y s61ose puedeaccedera ellos pordebajode lapJataforma.

Lubriquela m_nsulaintermediacon elaccesoriode lubricaci6n ubicadoenla partesuperiordel pernocon reborde.Useuna pistolade engrasea presi6nparalubricarlos husillosy la m_nsulaintermedia.

Los Puntos de Pivote y el Varillaje

Lubriquetodoslos puntosde pivotedelsistemade impulsi6n,elfreno de manoy el varillajedeelevaci6nal menosunavezportemporada con aceiteligero.


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Craftsman 247.28933 manual Lubricacion

247.28933 specifications

The Craftsman 247.28933 is a powerful and versatile lawn mower designed for homeowners looking to maintain their lawns with ease and efficiency. This riding mower is equipped with a range of features and technologies that set it apart in the market.

One of the standout characteristics of the Craftsman 247.28933 is its robust engine. Powered by a strong Briggs & Stratton engine, this mower offers reliable performance. The engine's specifications include a 17.5 HP, which provides ample power for various mowing tasks. This ensures that the mower can handle tough grass and uneven terrain without bogging down.

The mower features a 42-inch cutting deck, which is ideal for medium to large-sized lawns. The cutting deck allows for precise cutting, ensuring that grass is trimmed evenly. This width also enables the mower to maneuver easily in tight spaces, such as around trees and flower beds. Additionally, the cutting height can be easily adjusted, ranging from 1 to 4 inches, which allows users to customize their mowing experience based on the season and grass type.

Another notable feature is the mower's comfortable and user-friendly design. The ergonomic seat provides support during extended mowing sessions, while the operator controls are positioned for easy access. This thoughtful design minimizes operator fatigue and increases productivity.

The Craftsman 247.28933 also incorporates advanced technology. Its automatic hydrostatic transmission allows for seamless speed adjustments without the need for manual shifting. This feature enhances the overall mowing experience by providing smooth transitions and maintaining consistent speeds, even when navigating slopes.

For added convenience, the mower is equipped with a 6-speed gear drive, which allows users to fine-tune their speed based on the mowing conditions. This flexibility is particularly useful for adapting to different grass types and terrain.

In terms of maintenance, the Craftsman 247.28933 is designed for ease. The mower features an integrated deck wash system, which helps users keep the cutting deck clean and free from grass buildup. Regular maintenance is simplified, ensuring that the mower performs optimally throughout its lifespan.

Overall, the Craftsman 247.28933 is a well-engineered lawn mower that balances power, performance, and user comfort. With its reliable engine, versatile cutting deck, and modern features, it stands as an excellent choice for homeowners aiming to achieve a professional-looking lawn with minimal hassle. Whether tackling overgrown grass or maintaining a fresh trim, the Craftsman 247.28933 is equipped to handle the job effectively.