Rueda Tuer calibradora



Desliceunaarandelaplanademediapulgada,con un espesorm_.xirnode 0,030pulgada,sobrecadapernocon reborde.Reinstalelos pernoscon rebordecon lasarandelas

yajQsteloscon las dos tuercasde seguridadhexagonales. Ajustelatuercade seguridadhexagonalenforrnagradual y parejarnientrascontint_controlandoel rnovirnientohacia adelantede la barradepivote.Ajustelas tuercas de seguridadhastaIograrqueel juegosearnfnirno,sin cornprorneterel rnovirnientohaciaarribay abajodela barra de pivote.



de_ ......




Barra de pivote

Siel volantetienedernasiadojuego, inspeccioneel rnovirnientohacia adelantey haciaatr_.sdela barrade pivote.

1.Levanteel frentedeltractory p6ngalosobregatos,paraquelas ruedasdelanterasquedensuspendidasenel aire.

2.Tornandolos extrernosde la barrade pivot&intentemovercada extrernodeleje haciaadelantey haciaatr_.sparaverificarel juego lateral.Eljuegolateraldebeserrninirnoo inexistente.

3.Si nohayjuegolateral,bajeel tractoral sueloy hagaquesu centrode partesy reparaci6nSearsinspeccioneelvarillajedela transrnisi6nde direcci6n.Si hayjuegolateral,ajustela barrade pivotede lasiguienternanera:

a.Apoyela barrade pivote,luegoextraigalas tuercasde seguridadhexagonalesque sujetanlos dos pernoscon rebordequepasanatravesdela rn_nsulade la barrade


la barrade _


Paraextraerla plataforrnadecorte,procedade la siguienternanera:

1.Desconectelapotenciadearranque(enganchede cuchilla)y coloqueelfrenode rnano.

2.Coloquelas ruedasdecalibraci6nde la plataforrnaensu posici6n rn_.salta (puntorn_.sbajode la plataforrna).

3.Bajela plataforrnacolocandola palancade elevaci6ndela plata- forrnadentrode la rnuescainferioren elguardabarrosderecho.

4.Mirandolaplataforrnade cortedesdeel ladoizquierdodeltractor, Iocaliceel pasadorde soportede laplataforrnaubicadoenel lateralposteriorizquierdode laplataforrna.Yeala Figura19.

Brazodeelevaci6n de la plataforrna


Pasador de soporte



de !a p!ataforrna



Figura 19



Tire haciaafuerael pasadorde soportede laplataforrnapara


separarla misrnadelbrazodeelevaci6ndela plataforrna.Girela

/ Pernocon

rnanijadel pasadorde soportehaciaabajoparatrabarel pasador


en la posici6ndesenganchadaVeala. Figura19.


C6rraseal ladoderechodeltractory repitael pasoanteriorpara


soltarla plataforrnadelbrazodeelevaci6nderecho.


Muevala palancade elevaci6ndela plataforrnadentrode la




brazosde elevaci6nde laplataforrnay retirarlosdel paso.


Deslicecuidadosarnentela plataforrnadecortehaciaadelante


hastaquepuedaretirarla varillade suspensi6nfrontalde la


plataforrnade las ranurasde la rn_nsuladesuspensi6nfrontalde


la plataforrna.



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Craftsman 247.28933 manual Corte

247.28933 specifications

The Craftsman 247.28933 is a powerful and versatile lawn mower designed for homeowners looking to maintain their lawns with ease and efficiency. This riding mower is equipped with a range of features and technologies that set it apart in the market.

One of the standout characteristics of the Craftsman 247.28933 is its robust engine. Powered by a strong Briggs & Stratton engine, this mower offers reliable performance. The engine's specifications include a 17.5 HP, which provides ample power for various mowing tasks. This ensures that the mower can handle tough grass and uneven terrain without bogging down.

The mower features a 42-inch cutting deck, which is ideal for medium to large-sized lawns. The cutting deck allows for precise cutting, ensuring that grass is trimmed evenly. This width also enables the mower to maneuver easily in tight spaces, such as around trees and flower beds. Additionally, the cutting height can be easily adjusted, ranging from 1 to 4 inches, which allows users to customize their mowing experience based on the season and grass type.

Another notable feature is the mower's comfortable and user-friendly design. The ergonomic seat provides support during extended mowing sessions, while the operator controls are positioned for easy access. This thoughtful design minimizes operator fatigue and increases productivity.

The Craftsman 247.28933 also incorporates advanced technology. Its automatic hydrostatic transmission allows for seamless speed adjustments without the need for manual shifting. This feature enhances the overall mowing experience by providing smooth transitions and maintaining consistent speeds, even when navigating slopes.

For added convenience, the mower is equipped with a 6-speed gear drive, which allows users to fine-tune their speed based on the mowing conditions. This flexibility is particularly useful for adapting to different grass types and terrain.

In terms of maintenance, the Craftsman 247.28933 is designed for ease. The mower features an integrated deck wash system, which helps users keep the cutting deck clean and free from grass buildup. Regular maintenance is simplified, ensuring that the mower performs optimally throughout its lifespan.

Overall, the Craftsman 247.28933 is a well-engineered lawn mower that balances power, performance, and user comfort. With its reliable engine, versatile cutting deck, and modern features, it stands as an excellent choice for homeowners aiming to achieve a professional-looking lawn with minimal hassle. Whether tackling overgrown grass or maintaining a fresh trim, the Craftsman 247.28933 is equipped to handle the job effectively.