_k WARNING: Your router should never be connected to power supply when you are
assembling parts, making adjustments, installing or removing cutters, cleaning, or when not in use, Disconnecting router will prevent accidental starting that could
cause serious personal injury.
See Figures 2 and 3.
•Unplug your router.
,_ WARNING: Failure to unplug your router could result in accidental starting causing serious
•A spindle lock is located on the front of the motor housing. To activate lock, push spindle lock in and slide into lock position. See Figure 2.
,_ WARNING: To p_vent damage to the spindle or spindle lock, always allow motor to come to a
complete stop before engaging spindle lock.
Fig. 2
•Place your router upside down on table, then turn collet nut with wrench until lock mechanism
interlocks. See Figure 3.
Note: Spindle lock is spring loaded and will snap into position when lock mechanism interlocks.
Fig. 3
,_k WARNING: If you are changing a cutter immediately after use, be careful not to touch the
cutter or collet with your hands or fingers. They will get burned because of the heat buildup from cutting. Always use the wrench provided.
Remove cutters by turning collet nut counter- clockwise enough to allow cutter to slip easily from collet. See Figure 3. The collet is machined to precision tolerances to fit cutters with 1/4 in. diameter shanks.
With your router still upside down on table, insert shank of cutter into collet. The shank of your cutter
should be close to but not touching bottom of collet.
•Tighten the collet nut securely by turning clockwise with the wrench provided. See Figure 3. Push spindle lock in and slide into unlock position. Otherwise, the interlocking mechanism of the spindle lock wilt not let you turn your router on.
_k WARNING: Do not use cutters with undersized
shanks. Undersized shanks will not tighten properly and could be thrown from tool causing injury.