Connecting VHF and OHF Antennas
If yollr antenna has a set of leads that
look like this, see "Antennas with
If 7o_1r antenna has one lead that looks
like this, see "Antennas with
Round Leads," on page 2.2.
If you have two antennas, see "Separate
VHF anct UHF Antennas," on page 2.2.
Antennas with 300-ohm Flat Twin Leads
If"you are using an offUair antenna (slK'h as a roof antenna o1 "rabbit ears") that has
Place the wires from the twin leads under the screws onthe 300q5 ohm adaptor (not supplied). Use a screwdriver to
t!ghten the screw s
Plug the adaptor into the
VHF/UHFterminal on the
bottom of the back panel
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