Configuration Utility
Fig. 6.5
Please note that all devices must share the same Encryption
settings to communicate on the network.
Data Encryption – enable Encryption by clicking on the box. The DWL- 650+ has Encryption disabled as the default setting.
Authorization mode – choose one of the following modes:
Open Authentication – communicates the key across the network
Shared Authentication – allows communication only with other devices with identical WEP settings
Auto – will automatically adjust to the Authentication mode of the wireless client
Network Key – enter a key in either ASCII (e.g., a word) or hexadecimal format
Key Format - ASCII or Hexadecimal
Hexadecimal digits consist of the numbers
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a code for representing English letters as numbers from
Key type - select the key length, either 64, 128 or 256 bits Key Index – You can create up to 4 different security keys Click Apply to save the changes.