The operations and maintenance of your Cheap Charlie heater are unique and should not be considered to be like a wood, coal stove, gas, electric, propane or oil heater.
Do not try to operate your stove with viewing or ash pan doors open. Pellets will not feed under these circumstances and a safety concern may arise from sparks or fumes entering room.
Burn only pellet fuel that complies with PFI standards. Burning other types of fuels may result in the formation and leakage of Carbon Monoxide which if undetected can be deadly.
If you are not drawing combustion air from outside, care must be taken to allow for adequate air make up, to avoid possible room air starvation when stove or other exhaust fans are in operation.
It is recommended that you install a high quality smoke detector in the room where stove is installed. Care should be taken to make sure detector is in working order at all times.
Fuel in the form of wood pellets is stored in the hopper. An auger delivers the pellets to the burn grate. The fuel rate, or heat output, is set by adjusting the feed rate touch pad (settings 1 to 4). A fan provides combustion air to the burn grate. The amount of combustion air in the burn grate is adjustable, and automatically changes as the fuel rate changes. The higher the fuel rate, the larger the amount of combustion air and visa versa. The fuel burns in the burn grate, producing heat. Some heat radiates out the front and sides of your stove. The majority of the heat passes around the 13 stainless steel heat exchange tubes and air plenum around the firebox and is then moved into the room by the room air fan. A small amount of heat must pass out of your stove, along with exhaust gases, into the atmosphere.
Your stove's heat output can be adjusted from settings
Your stove can run efficiently over extended periods of time and at different heat output levels as long as the fuel supply is uninterrupted and timely cleaning and maintenance is performed. An example of how improper cleaning effects operations is; the exhaust pressure switch will shut the pellet supply off and your stove will shut off if the exhaust system becomes plugged.
| Figure 27 |
Copyright 2004 | 18 | Cheap Charlie Owner’s Manual |
Canadian Comfort Industries | www.dansons.com | Dansons Group Inc. |