INSPECT AND CLEAN THE CHIMNEY: [ELECTRICAL CORD UNPLUGGED] Under some conditions fly ash build up in the chimney system may occur rapidly. The fly ash will collect in the exhaust venting system and restrict the flow of the flue gases. Incomplete combustion, such as occurs during startup, shutdown, or incorrect operation of the room heater will lead to some soot formation which will collect in the exhaust venting system. Check the clean out tees and elbows in the exhaust system periodically to determine the cleaning schedule. To remove dust from the vent pipe, tap lightly on the pipe to dislodge any loose ash. Open the bottom of the “T” to dump the ash, then vacuum as much of the ash out of the vent pipe as possible. 3 or
PAINTED SURFACES: Painted surfaces may be wiped down with a damp cloth. If scratches appear or you wish to renew your paint, contact your Dealer to obtain a can of Satin Black (“Stove Bright”) paint.
Tip: use a hair dryer to warm the surface prior to touching up the paint,
this helps to reduce paint runs.
Note: Do not use any other brand than “Stove Bright” as they may not be compatible.
NOTE: Your Cheap Charlie Dealer may offer a periodic stove cleaning service. Check with them on timing and cost of this service.
FALL START UP: Prior to lighting the first fire check the outside area around the exhaust and air intake systems for obstructions. Clean the screens on the exhaust system and the outside air intake pipe. Turn all controls on to make sure they are working prior to lighting the first fire. Clean and remove fly ash from exhaust venting. Our local Authorized Dealer should have 3” and 4” chimney brushes available. This is also a good time to give the entire stove a good cleaning throughout.
AND COLD ASHES ONLY]. After the last burn in the spring remove pellets from the hopper and the auger. Scoop out the pellets then run the auger until the hopper is empty and pellets stop flowing. Vacuum out the hopper. Thoroughly clean the burn grate, burn box, ashtray and ash traps. It’s desirable to spray the inside of the cleaned hopper with an aerosol silicone spray if your stove is in a high humidity area. The exhaust system should be thoroughly cleaned.
YEARLY SERVICING: A yearly servicing and cleaning by your Authorized Cheap Charlie Dealer is recommended. A fee may be charged for this service.
Hopper Lid
Heat Tubes
Tube Scraper
Burn Grate
Burn Pot
Ash Pit
Auger Motor
Fan Motors
Air Intake
Figure 30
Copyright 2004 | 28 | Cheap Charlie Owner’s Manual |
Canadian Comfort Industries | www.dansons.com | Dansons Group Inc. |