Method 1 - Extracting Information from Barcode

Method 1 allows extracting one or more fields by position or by characters from the decoded barcode. These fields are sent to the host computer as data of the output message, while the characters not included in the formatting procedure will be deleted and not inserted in the output message.

These two kinds of extraction (by position / by character) can be used together within the same format definition; furthermore, it possible to complete the new format by adding a new string of characters. Since there is no fixed rule, the procedures can be freely put in order and repeated according to your requirement.

The only limit is determined by the size of the internal reserved memory used to define the format.

B e g in F o rm a t

D e fin itio n 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ,

o r 5

A d d

A d d


E x tra c tio n b y

E x tra c tio n b y

A d d n e w

P o s itio n

C h a r a c te r s

s tr in g

A d d


A d d


A d d