printer cable, 22 connecting, 22 problems, 55 setting up, 22 USB, 22
blue screen, 51 CD drive, 45 computer crashes,
Dell Diagnostics, 43 drives, 45
DVD drive, 45 error messages, 48 hard drive, 46 keyboard, 49 lockups, 50 network, 53 power, 53
power light conditions, 53 printer, 55
program crashes, 51 program stops responding, 51 programs and Windows
compatibility, 51 scanner, 55 software,
technical support policy, 74 video and display
Restore System, 62
safety instructions, 9
scanner problems, 55
screen. See display
security cable slot description, 18 system view, 18
Service Tag, 10
Setup Diagram, 9
software conflicts, 62 problems,
sound problems, 56 volume, 56
speakers description, 14 problems, 56 system view, 14 volume, 56
specifications, 67
contacting Dell, 75, 92 policy, 74
system setup program commonly used options, 73 purpose, 72
screens, 73 viewing, 73
system views back, 17 bottom, 17, 20 front, 13
left side, 16 right side,
technical support policy, 74
touch pad about, 33 customizing, 33 description, 14 system view, 14
troubleshooting conflicts, 62
Dell Diagnostics, 43 external keyboard
problems, 49 Hardware Troubleshooter, 62 Help and Support Center, 11
uninterruptible power supply. See UPS
UPS, 23