4.From a client attached to the network, point your browser to the filer address given; the Setup Wizard loads.

5.Enter the information as requested.


Verify the network connections of your new filer using the procedure in "Verifying Net- work Connections."



After you configure the filer, you use the ping command from a client attached to the network to verify that the filer is set up correctly and can communicate with other computers on the network.


To verify filer communication, perform the following steps:

1.At a client attached to the network, enter the following command:


2.Replace <filer ipaddress> with the Internet protocol (IP) address that you assigned the filer.

3.Repeat the test for each interface that is installed in the filer.


The following examples test the network connections for a filer that has the host name filer with two interfaces named e0 and f0 installed:




If an interface does not respond to a ping command, make sure that:

The interface is securely attached to the network.

The media type is set up correctly if the interface is on an Ethernet card contain- ing different media connectors.

The routers function properly with correct routing information if the ping com- mand is issued from a network not directly attached to the interface.

Setup Wizard — Basic Configuration of the Filer3-5

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Image 33
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