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This chapter describes how to assign users and groups access rights to CIFS shares (directories) using FilerView; see your System Administrator and Command Reference Guide for instructions about using Windows NT Server Manager to assign access rights.

If you did not purchase a license for the CIFS protocol, continue on to Chapter 9, "Con- figuring Clients to Access the Filer."


The rights you assign to a share apply to the entire share; for example, if you assign a user rights to a share named HOME, the user gains rights to the directory specified by the HOME share and to all subdirectories under the directory. When you assign rights, they are recorded in the share ACL.


FilerView enables you to grant users and groups access to CIFS shares, using the fol- lowing form of the cifs command:


The cifs command parameters are described in Table 8-1.







Specifies that an access entry is to be created.


Specifies the name of the share.

user group

Specifies the name of the user or group for which access


to the share is granted. When prefixed with the -goption,


this field specifies a UNIX group.



Configuring Access to CIFS Shares 8-1

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Image 53
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