This section describes how to make a Diagnostics boot diskette from a diskette image file supplied on the CD for a Windows client system or a DOS shell window or a UNIX client.
To create the diagnostics diskette from a Windows client system or a DOS shell win- dow, perform the following steps:
1.Use the RaWrite utility to extract the diagnostics boot diskette software and copy it to the diskette.
If you do not already have this utility on your system, it is on the CD in the <drive>:\utils\Rawrite directory where drive is the
2.Insert the CD in the Windows client system
3.Insert a blank,
4.Open the RaWrite folder and
The RaWrite utility starts and prompts you for an image source file.
5.Enter the name used for the image file (for example, boot1 for boot diskette 1 or boot2 for boot diskette 2).
The utility prompts you for a target diskette drive.
6.Enter the drive letter for the formatted diskette that will be the system diagnos- tics diskette.
The status of the operation is displayed. When the operation is done, continue to the next step.
7.Remove the diskette from the drive and
To create the diagnostics diskette from a UNIX client, perform the following steps:
1.Insert the CD in the UNIX client
2.Mount the CD (some UNIX clients do this automatically when the CD is inserted into the drive; others require that you use the mount command).
3.Insert a blank,
4.Copy the boot diskette 1 image to the diskette using the GG command. For example,
Installing PowerVault Filer Software