•If the hard drive is your boot device, ensure that the cables are connected and that the drive is installed properly and partitioned as a boot device.
•Enter the system setup program and ensure that the boot sequence information is correct (see your Service Manual on the Dell Support website at support.dell.com).
N O T I M E R T I C K I N T E R R U P T — A chip on the system board might be malfunctioning or system board failure (see "Contacting Dell" on page 71 for assistance).
NOTICE – H A R D D R I V E SELF MONITORING SYSTEM H A S R E P O R T E D T H A T A P A R A M E T E R H A S E X C E E D E D I T S N O R M A L O P E R A T I N G R A N G E . D E L L R E C O M M E N D S T H A T Y O U B A C K U P Y O U R D A T A R E G U L A R L Y. A P A R A M E T E R O U T O F R A N G E M A Y O R M A Y N O T I N D I C A T E A P O T E N T I A L H A R D D R I V E P R O B L E M . — S.M.A.R.T error, possible hard drive failure. This feature can be enabled or disabled in BIOS setup.
Troubleshooting Software and Hardware Problems
If a device is either not detected during the operating system setup or is detected, but incorrectly configured, you can use the Hardware Troubleshooter to resolve the incompatibility.
Windows Vista:
1Click the Windows Vista start button , and click Help and Support.
2Type hardware troubleshooter in the search field and press <Enter> to start the search.
3In the search results, select the option that best describes the problem and follow the remaining troubleshooting steps.
Windows XP:
1Click Start→ Help and Support.
2Type hardware troubleshooter in the search field and press <Enter> to start the search.
3In the Fix a Problem section, click Hardware Troubleshooter.
4In the Hardware Troubleshooter list, select the option that best describes the problem and click Next to follow the remaining troubleshooting steps.