PC Card slot description, 16 system view, 16
pc cards
fixing problems, 75
fixing problems, 38 line conditioners, 31 protection devices, 31 surge protectors, 31 UPS, 31
power button description, 13 system view, 13
printer cable, 28 connecting, 28 parallel, 28 setting up, 28 USB, 29
problems conflicts, 80
Dell Diagnostics, 84 restore to previous state, 81
programs crashes, 76 fixing problems, 76 not responding, 76
RAM. See memory
safety instructions, 9
security cable slot description,
serial connector description, 21 system view, 21
Service Tag, 10
Setup Diagram, 9
software conflicts, 80 fixing problems, 76
speakers description, 15 system view, 15
specifications, system, 101
support contacting Dell, 112
system view, 20
System Restore, 81
system setup program commonly used options, 108 purpose, 107
system specifications, 101
system view, 14
system views back, 19 bottom, 19, 23 front, 13
left side, 16 right side, 18
touch pad, 46 description, 15 system view, 15
touch pad and track stick customizing, 47
track stick/touch pad buttons description, 15
system view, 15
troubleshooting blue screen, 76
cannot save to floppy disk, 49, 74
writing, 52 conflicts, 80
Dell Diagnostics, 84 dropped or damaged computer, 78
external keyboard problems, 48
Hardware Troubleshooter, 80 Help and Support Center, 10 network problems, 64
PC Card problems, 75 power problems, 38