Dell R420, E18S001 Embedded System Management, IDRAC Settings Utility, Boot Manager Screen

Models: E18S E18S001 R420

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Boot Manager Screen

Menu Item


Continue Normal

The system attempts to boot to devices starting with the first item in the boot order. If the boot


attempt fails, the system continues with the next item in the boot order until the boot is


successful or no more boot options are found.

BIOS Boot Menu

Displays the list of available BIOS boot options (marked with asterisks). Select the boot option


you wish to use and press <Enter>.

UEFI Boot Menu

Displays the list of available UEFI boot options (marked with asterisks). Select the boot option


you wish to use and press <Enter>. The UEFI Boot Menu enables you to Add Boot Option,


Delete Boot Option, or Boot From File.

Driver Health Menu

Displays a list of the drivers installed on the system and their health status.

Launch System Setup

Enables you to access the System Setup.

System Utilities

Enables you to access the BIOS Update File Explorer, run the Dell Diagnostics program, and


reboot the system.

UEFI Boot Menu


Menu Item


Select UEFI Boot

Displays the list of available UEFI boot options (marked with asterisks), select the boot option


you wish to use and press <Enter>.

Add Boot Option

Adds a new boot option.

Delete Boot Option

Deletes an existing boot option.

Boot From File

Sets a one-time boot option not included in the boot option list.

Embedded System Management

The Dell Lifecycle Controller provides advanced embedded systems management throughout the server’s lifecycle. The Lifecycle Controller can be started during the boot sequence and can function independently of the operating system.

NOTE: Certain platform configurations may not support the full set of features provided by the Lifecycle Controller.

For more information about setting up the Lifecycle Controller, configuring hardware and firmware, and deploying the operating system, see the Lifecycle Controller documentation at

iDRAC Settings Utility

The iDRAC Settings utility is an interface to setup and configure the iDRAC parameters using UEFI. You can enable or disable various iDRAC parameters using the iDRAC Settings Utility.

NOTE: Accessing some of the features on the iDRAC Settings Utility requires the iDRAC7 Enterprise License upgrade.

For more information on using iDRAC, see the iDRAC7 User's Guide under Software Systems Management Dell Remote Access Controllers, at


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Dell R420, E18S001 owner manual Embedded System Management, IDRAC Settings Utility, Boot Manager Screen