Adding a new array
To add a new array under a variable condition:
1.Select a variable condition and click Arrays → New Array. The Array Settings window is displayed.
2.Set the required RAID level from the Desired RAID Level
3.Click OK to apply the array, or Cancel to return to the Array Builder.
Editing an array
1.Select the array and click Arrays → Edit Array.
The Array Settings window is displayed. Here you can select a different RAID level for the array.
2.Click OK to apply the changes or Cancel to return to the Array Builder.
Deleting an array
1.Select the array and click Arrays → Delete Array.
A message that all the attached disks will be deleted is displayed.
2.Click Yes to delete or No to cancel.
Logical drives (also known as virtual disks)
Logical drives are present on RAID arrays and
NOTE: Array Builder does not support creating logical drives under
NOTE: You cannot delete a logical drive under
Adding a new logical drive
1.Select the array and click Logical Drives → New Logical Drive. The Logical Drive Settings window is displayed.
2.Under Create a logical drive, enter the exact number of gigabytes the logical drive must contain.
3.Click OK to create the logical drive or click Cancel to return to Array Builder.
Editing a logical drive
1.Select the logical drive and click Logical Drives → Edit Logical Drive.
The Logical Drive Settings window is displayed. Here you can change the size of the logical drive.
2.Click OK to apply the changes or click Cancel to return to the Array Builder.