Set up your user preferences:
1.Click Preferences on the global navigation bar. The Preferences home page appears.
2.Click General Settings.
3.To add a preselected
NOTE: Click ) in any window to send an
NOTE: The Web Server URL is not retained if you restart OpenManage Server Administrator service or the system where Server Administrator is installed. Use the omconfig command to
Secure Port System
Perform the following steps to set up your secure port system preferences:
1.Click Preferences on the global navigation bar. The Preferences home page appears.
2.Click General Settings.
3.In the Server Preferences window, set options as necessary.
•The Session Timeout (minutes) feature can be used to set a limit on the amount of time that a Server Administrator session can remains active. Select Enable to allow Server Administrator to time out if there is no user interaction for a specified number of minutes. Users whose session times out must log in again to continue. Select Disable to disable the Server Administrator Session Timeout (minutes)feature.
•The HTTPS Port field specifies the secure port for Server Administrator. The default secure port for Server Administrator is 1311.
NOTE: Changing the port number to an invalid or
•The IP Address to Bind to field specifies the IP address(es) for the managed system that Server Administrator binds to when starting a session. Select Allto bind to all IP addresses applicable for your system. Select Specific to bind to a specific IP address.
NOTE: Changing the IP Address to Bind to value to a value other than All may prevent other applications or browsers from accessing Server Administrator on the managed system.
•The Mail To field specifies the
•The SMTP Server Name (or IP Address) and DNS Suffix for SMTP Serverfields specify your company or organization's Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and domain name server (DNS) suffix. To enable Server Administrator to send
NOTE: For security reasons, your company or organization might not allow
•The Command Log Size field specifies the largest file size in MB for the command log file.
NOTE: This field appears only when you log in to manage the Server Administrator Web Server.
•The Support Link field specifies the URL for the business entity that provides support for your managed system.
•The Custom Delimiter field specifies the character used to separate the data fields in the files created using the Export button. The ; character is the default delimiter. Other options are !, @, #, $, %, ^, *, ~, ?, , and ,.
•The SSL Encryption field specifies the encryption levels for the secured HTTPS sessions. The available encryption levels include Auto Negotiate and