To mute the internal speaker, follow these steps:







The 4237B 3D sound system contains two controls—a space control and a center control—for adjusting the spatial effect of sound played through speakers connected to your computer. Turning up the level of the space control increases the amount of corrected directional information, restores the proper localization of the original sounds, and expands the width of the overall sound stage. Turning down the level of the space control decreases these effects. Always adjust the space control before adjusting the center control. Turning up the center control emphasizes centered sounds (typically vocals, solo instruments, bass, and kick drums in a musical record- ing) so that their intensity appears increased and they are brought into the center of the room.

To adjust the space and center controls, follow these steps:








The operating system installed on your Dell system has its own utilities for playing audio CDs and manipulating .wav files:

For Windows 95, use Media Player under Multimedia in the Accessories program folder.

For Windows NT 4.0, use Audio Input to control the input of devices from which you are recording .wav data. Use Audio Mixer to adjust sound levels from several different audio sources.


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Dell WorkStation 410 manual $GMXVWLQJ6RXQG, 8VLQJ$XGLR8WLOLWLHV, 0XWLQJWKH,QWHUQDO6SHDNHU, Wdvnedu, Ghvluhghiihfw