Item | Name | Type | Description | Default |
3 | Data Input 3 | UINT | This is a MODBUS address. The 3rd word in | 0x0000 |
| PZD of cyclic output data will be sent to this |
| address if select Module = "4 PKW, 4 PZD". |
4 | Data Input 4 | UINT | This is a MODBUS address. The 4th word in | 0x0000 |
| PZD of cyclic output data will be sent to this |
| address if select Module = "4 PKW, 4 PZD". |
5 | Data Output 1 | UINT | This is a MODBUS address. | 0x2101 |
| monitor this address, and copy the return |
| data to the 1st word in PZD of cyclic input |
| data. |
6 | Data Output 2 | UINT | This is a MODBUS address. | 0x2102 |
| monitor this address, and copy the return |
| data to the 2nd word in PZD of cyclic input |
| data. |
7 | Data Output 3 | UINT | This is a MODBUS address. | 0x2103 |
| monitor this address, and copy the return |
| data to the 3rd word in PZD of cyclic input |
| data if select Module = "4 PKW, 4 PZD". |
8 | Data Output 4 | UINT | This is a MODBUS address. | 0x2104 |
| monitor this address, and copy the return |
| data to the 4th word in PZD of cyclic input |
| data if select Module = "4 PKW, 4 PZD". |
9 | d_state | UINT | This is a flag. If address in Data Output 1 ~ | 0x0001 |
| Data Output 4 is continuous, set it to 1, and |
| set the others to 0. |
10 | din_len | UINT | This is a length, and unit is word. It specifies | 0x0002 |
| the length of |
| user select the Module = "4 PKW, 4 PZD", but |
| din_len is 3, |
| ignore the 4th word. |
11 | dout_len | UINT | This is a length, and unit is word. It specifies | 0x0002 |
| the length of |
| Drive, if user select Module = "4 PKW, 4 |
| PZD", but dout_len is 3, |
| word and ignore the 4th address. |
12 | LossDPComTreat | UINT | This variable indicates that the | 0x0001 |
| take action when communication with |
| Profibus network is lost, the value can be |
| assigned as follows: |
| 00 – Ignore event and continue; |
| 01 – Stop according to Pr “Stop Method” in |
| VFD series Drives. |