Possible LED displays of SP LED:
LED Indication Corrective Actions
OFF No Power Supply Verify that the power supply of PD-01.
Check whether the power supply is
connected and that power is applied to
the PD-01 through the connector.
Red, blinking CRC check fault Check your communication setting in
AC Drive (9600, <8,N,2>, RTU)
Red ON Connection failure, or
No connection
1. Check whether the connections
between AC Drive and RS485 of
PD-01 are all correct
2. Re-wire the connections between AC
Drive and ensure that the wire
specification is correct.
Green, blinking AC Drive returns error code 1. Check the AC Drive type and version.
Not all Delta VFD series Drive are
2. Check the PLC program, and ensure
the operating address in PD-01 is
Green ON Normal
If both SP LED and NET LED are in steady orange, it indicates that PD-01 has entered into
the “test mode”. Please do not set the value of address switch of PD-01 to 0XFF at this time.
Be sure to set other value and energize PD-01 again.
Troubleshooting via diagnostic data
PD-01 provides 16 bytes diagnostic data when the alarm occurs and when user parameter
setting “LossSPComTreat” is set to “Continue data exchange and report alarm”. It includes 6
bytes standard diagnostic data and 10 bytes device related diagnostic data. The following
table shows the meanings of the 16 bytes:
Byte 1-6 Byte 7 Byte 8 Byte 9 Byte 10
Byte 16
diagnostic data
Length in bytes SP communication
Error code Reserved
Byte 7 indicates the length of device related diagnostic data including itself, so if byte 7 is 10
(0Ahex), it indicate device related to diagnostic data have 10 bytes (including byte 7).
Byte 8 indicates the SP communication status when the alarm occurs, and the valid value
should be as follows: