WARNING: If fireplace has been running, turn off and un- plug fireplace. Let cool before re- moving glass door or louvers.
Removing Lower Louver Access Panel
1.Grasp the lower louver panel and pull up until the hanger brackets release from the door pins (see Figure 43).
2.Swing the louver panel out until it clears the fireplace opening.
3.Pull the entire panel out until the bottom tabs are free of the slot openings in the lower face frame.
Door Pin
Lower Louver |
Access Panel | Hanger Bracket |
Figure 43 - Removing Lower Louver
Access Panel
Removing Top Louver Trim Panel
1. Grasp the two hanger brackets at the bottom and pull up until the hanger brackets release from the door pins (see Figure 44).
2. Swing out the bracket ends until the upper panel tabs can be angled out of the slot open- ings in the upper face frame.
3. Pull the entire louver trim panel out of the face frame.
WARNING: If fireplace has been running, turn off and let cool before accessing or servic- ing the unit.
WARNING: Handle glass door panelwithcare.Donot strike,slam, or otherwise abuse glass. Do not operate fireplace with glass door removed, cracked, or broken.
Panel Tabs
Top Louver
Trim Panel
Door Pin
Figure 44 - Removing Top Louver Trim
Removing Glass Door
If replacement of glass is necessary, the entire assembly, glass and frame, must be replaced. If glass is broken, wear gloves and tape the remaining fragments onto the frame.
1.Remove the lower louver panel (see Removing Lower Louver Access Panel and Figure 43).
2.Remove the top louver trim panel (see Remov- ing Top Louver Trim Panel and Figure 44).
3.Hold the glass frame with one hand and with the other hand unlock the two door latches found on top of the firebox to release tension on the door frame (see Figure 45, page 27).
4.Unhook the locking clasp from the tabs on the door frame and with both hands swing the door panel out while pivoting the lower frame on the lower retaining bracket.
5.Lift the lower frame tabs out from the position- ing slots found on the lower frame retaining bracket (see Figure 45, page 27).
6.Remount the new frame in reverse order by
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