Plastic or PVC pipe is not designed for use with compressed air. Regardless of its indi- cated pressure rating, plastic pipe can burst from air pressure. Use only metal pipe for air distribution lines.
Where a remote air intake is used, en- large the size of the air intake piping by one pipe size for each 10 feet of length.
A typical compressed air distribution system as shown below should be of sufficient pipe size to keep the pressure drop between the supply and point of use to a minimum. All pipes and fittings used must be certified safe for the pressures involved. Pipe thread sealant must be used on all threads, and all joints are to be made up tight, since small leaks in the piping system are the largest single cause of high operating costs.
All piping should be sloped to an accessible drain point and all outlets should be taken from the top of the main distribution air line so that moisture cannot enter the outlet.
The main distribution air line should not be smaller than the compressor air discharge valve outlet. A smaller line will restrict the flow of air. If piping is over 100 feet long, or if required air flow will exceed 15 SCFM, use 3/4" piping.
For underground installation, bury air lines below the frost line and avoid pockets where condensation can gather and freeze. Apply pressure before un- derground lines are covered to make sure all pipe joints are free from leaks.
It is recommended that a flexible coupling be installed between the air discharge valve outlet and main air distribution line to allow for vibration.
To remove dirt, oil and water, install a separator in the main distribution line. Install separator a minimum of 5 to 6 feet from compressor to allow the air to cool to room temperature before passing through the separator. Addi- tional separators or filters may be used depending on the application.
Liquid water occurs naturally in air lines as a result of compression. Moisture vapor in ambient air is concen- trated when pressurized and condenses when cooled in downstream air piping. Compressed air dryers reduce the water vapor concentration and prevent liquid water formation in compressed air lines. Dryers are a neces- sary companion to filters, aftercoolers, and automatic drains for improving the productivity of compressed air systems.
Water and water vapor removal increases the efficiency of air operated equipment, reduces contamination and rusting, increases the service life of pneumatic equip- ment and tools, prevents air line