Digicom S.p.A. | VoiceGATE | Manual rev.2.0 |
Supplementary Services
The information concerning the reading and the voice supplementary service setup, according the H.450 standard, are displayed in this window.
You will find here a brief description of the various supplementary services.
For almost all the supplementary services it is necessary to hold on a call (H.450.4 service enabled). This operation is carried out through the “R” key or “Flash” key with analog phones; in case of ISDN phones there can be different modes: Hold Key, or through a proper configuration menu (example Mirò phone of Telecom Italia).
Note: in the description of the services the R/Flash key will be described with (R).
H.450.2 Call Transfer
The H.450.2 service allows to manage the call transfer.
During the conversation, by pressing (R) you can put on hold a call and activate a second call. At this point by pressing R4 (R key + 4 key on the phone) the communication will inetrrupt and the on hold call will be put in contact with the second call.
H.450.3 Supplementary Services
H.450.3 services allow the user to divert the incoming calls to another number.
4 types of service are available:
•CFU (Call Forwarding calls addressed to the user requiring the service are always
Unconditional): forwarded.
•CFB (Call Forwarding calls are forwarded only if the user is busy.
Busy): | Note: the user is busy only if he has made a call to another |
| user. Then, if the receiver is up, the number is free, as no |
| info on the status change has been sent to the Gatekeeper |
| yet. |
•CFNR (Call Forwarding calls are forwarded only if the user requiring the service is
No Reply):free but does not answer within the time fixed in the CNFR Timeout field (15 sec.)
•CD (Call Deflection): le chiamate sono deviate solo se l’utente che richiede il servizio risulta libero ma esplicitamente redirige le chiamata (solo ISDN).
In the field telephone number 1 and 2 it must be inserted the number to forward the call.
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