About High-Definition
What is HD, and how does it differ from regular TV? To learn more, here’s some helpful information
Types of TV Broadcasts
Analog TV is the type of TV broadcast you may be most familiar with. If you get your broadcasts via
a standard
are analog as well.
Digital TV is a newer system for broadcasting TV signals delivering higher quality audio and video.
“Digital TV” refers to a television that can receive and display digital images. Following are terms you
might see used regarding Digital TV broadcasts. Although your DIRECTV HD Receiver is a “true” HD receiver, the type of TV or monitor you plug it into (SD, ED, or HD) can affect the resolution of
the TV picture you see. See “Resolutions and Interlacing” on page 75, for an explanation of display
4SD (standard definition) is digital TV that offers a picture quality that is better than older analog televisions. SDTV displays images at a resolution of 480i.
4ED (enhanced definition) is digital TV that can display a higher resolution picture than SDTV. An EDTV can display at 480i or 480p.
4HD (high definition) is digital TV that can provide the highest quality picture, at resolutions
741080i, 720p, 480p, or 480i.
To get the
DIRECTV HD Receiver.