4.4 Port Controls
You can change the status of each port in this page.
1.State: You can enable or disable this port.
2.Auto Negotiation: You can set auto negotiation mode as Auto,
Nway (specify the speed/duplex on this port and enable
auto-negotiation) or Force of each port.
3.Speed: You can set 100 or 10Mbps speed on Port1~Port24.
And set 1000/100/10Mbps on Port25~Port26 (Gigabit Ethernet
switch) or 100/10Mbps on Port25~Port26 (Fast Ethernet
4.Duplex: You can set each port as full-duplex or half-duplex
5.Flow control:
Full: You can set flow control function is enable or disable in
full duplex mode.
Half: You can set backpressure is enable or disable in half
duplex mode.
6.Rate Control: This switch, port1 ~ port 24, supports by-port
ingress and egress rate control. For example, assume port 1 is
10Mbps, users can set it’s effective egress rate is 1Mbps, ingress
rate is 500Kbps. This switch will perform flow control or
backpressure to confine the ingress rate to meet the specified
Ingress: Type the port effective ingress rate. The valid range is
0 ~ 1000. The unit is 100K
0: disable rate control
1 ~ 1000: valid rate value
Egress: Type the port effective egress rate. The valid range is
0~1000. The unit is 100K.