Installing the Software 19
8. From the Remote Access Setup dialog box, click “Network”. From the
Network Configuration dialog box, specify the dial-out protocols and
server settings. For more information on which protocols you should select,
see the Microsoft documentation.
• “Dial out protocols”: If dial out is enabled for the port, select the trans-
port protocol to use for outgoing calls.
• “Allow remote clients running”: Select and configure the supported
protocols for incoming calls.
• “Encryption settings”: Specify the authentication protocol to use to
identify remote users:
• Enable “Multilink”: Select this option if you want to allow users to
connect using both B-channels (for increased throughput).
Click “OK”.
9. Click “Continue”.
Step Four: Install the Eicon Port driver
1. From the displayed message box, click “Yes” to install the Eicon Port
driver. The port driver allows you to install a virtual fax modem.
2. The port driver is installed automatically. After you reboot your computer
to complete the DIVA for Windows NT installation, you have to install the
virtual fax modem. To do so, see the online DIVA for Windows NT Refer-
ence Guide.
Step Five: Install CAPI 2.0
1. From the displayed message box, click “Yes” to install CAPI. Installing
CAPI 2.0 allows you to use ISDN applications that require a CAPI driver.
We recommend that you install CAPI 2.0.
2. From the Select OEM Option dialog box, select “Eicon CAPI 2.0 Driver”,
and click “OK”.
3. From the Eicon CAPI 2.0 Driver Setup dialog box, keep the default settings
and click “OK”.
Step Six: Complete the installation
1. From the displayed message box, click “OK” to launch the Network
Control Panel.
Note Use the Network Control Panel to modify any part of the installation.
For more information, see the online DIVA for Windows NT Reference
2. Verify that your Server adapter and the Virtual WAN Miniport adapter are
added to the list of installed adapters. Click “OK”.
3. When prompted, reboot your computer to complete the installation.
Note You can install more than one Server adapter in your computer. Refer to the
DIVA for Windows NT Reference Guide.
Option Description
“Allow any authentication including clear text” Use PAP.
“Require encrypted authentication” Use CHAP.
“Require Microsoft encrypted authentication” Use MS-CHAP, a proprietary
version of CHAP.