26 Installing the Software
Installing ISDN CAPI Drivers for Intranetware 1.08aThe ISDN CAPI drivers for IntranetWare allow you to use your Server adapter
with IntranetWare, IntranetWare for Small Business, Novell BorderManager,
NetWare Connect, and NetWare MultiProtocol Router.
The following Server adapters are supported:
• SCOM (basic rate)
• Quadro (four-port basic rate)
• S2M (primary rate)
• DIVA Server BRI (basic rate)
The drivers are compatible with the following NetWare applications:
• IntranetWare (including the Novell Internet Access Server)
• Novell BorderManager (including the Novell Internet Access Server)
• IntranetWare for Small Business
• NetWare Connect 2.0 (with latest patches)
• NetWare MultiProtocol Router 3.1 (with latest patches)
• NetWare 3.12, 4.10, and 4.11
For information on how to install the ISDN CAPI drivers for Intranetware 1.08,
see the readme file under \netware\doc\isdncapi.txt on the ISDN Software Suite