Adjusting Gain
The brightness of each color component red, green, and blue is called G ain. You can change the hue of “white”
by adjusting gain.
Setting Range
0% to 100%
1. Choose “Color” from the Adjust ment menu, and press .
2. Choose “Advanced Settings” from “Color”, and press .
3. Choose “Gain”, and press .
4. Choose the color for adjustment f rom “Red”, “Green”, and “Blue”, and press .
5. Use or for adjustment.
6. Press to exit.
• Using this f unction may make some color gradat ions unavailable for display.
• The “Temperatu re” setting invalidates t his setting.
• The value of gain cha nges with that of color temperatur e.
• When gai n is changed, the color temperatu re is changed to “User”.
Adjusting the brightness and color of black “Black Level”
You can adjust the brightness and chromaticity of black by adjusting the black level of red, green, and blue
respectively. Please use a black test pattern or background for adjustment of the black level.
Adjustable Range
0% to 100%
1. Choose “Color” from the Adjust ment menu, and press .
2. Choose “Advanced Settings” from “Color”, and press .
3. Choose “Black Level”, and press .
4. Choose the color for adjustment f rom “Red”, “Green”, and “Blue”, and press .
5. Use or for adjustment.
6. Press to exit.
• To further d arken the black when the value of the black level is 0, lower the bright ness value.