To switch among input signals
The input signal switches each time is pressed.
When the signal is switched, the active input port n ame appears at the top right corner of the screen .
To set input signal selection “Input Selection”
Settings Function
Auto Themonitorrecognizestheconnectorthroug hwhichsignalsareinput.
Whenanexternaldeviceentersthepowersavingmode,themonito rautomaticallydisplays
Manual Themonitordisplaysthesignalfromtheselectedcon nectordespitethesignalinput.Select
theinputsignalfordisplayusingthe operationbutton.
1. Choose “Tools” from the Adjustment menu, and pre ss .
2. Choose “Input Selection” from “ Tools”, and press .
3. Select “Auto” or “Manual” with or .
4. Press to exit.
• When “Auto” is selected for “Input Selec tion”, the monitor’s power saving function works only when all exte rnal
devices are in the power saving mode.