20 Chapter2AdjustingScreens

2-4. Changing the Screen Size

To change screen size <Screen Size>
If a resolution other than recommended is used, the i mage displayed in full screen automatically. You can
change the screen size by using <Screen Size> from <O thers> menu.
Setting Function
FullScreen Displaysanimageinfullscreen.Imagesaredistor tedinsomecasesbecausethe
Enlarged Displaysanimageinfullscreen.Insomecases,ablankh orizontalorverticalborder
appearstoequalizetheverticalrateandthehorizont alrate.
Normal Displaysimageswiththespeciedres olution.
Example: Image size 1024 × 768
FullScreen Enlarged Normal
(1920×1080) (1440×1080) (1024×768)
1. Choose <Other s> from the Adjustment menu, and press .
2. Choose <Screen Size > from the <Others> menu, and press .
The Screen Size menu appears.
3. Select “Full Screen ,” “Enlarged,” or “Normal” with or .
4. Press to exit the adjustment.
• Selecting “ Normal” may make some color gradation s unavailable for display.
To change the brightness of the non-display area <Border Intensity>
A border (black area with no image) around the image appears i n the “Normal” or “Enlarged” mode.
1. Choose <Other s> from the Adjustment menu, and press .
2. Choose <Border Intensit y> from the <Others> menu, and press .
The <Border Intensity> menu appears.
3. Use or for adjustment.
4. Press to exit the adjustment.