16 Chapter2AdjustingScreens
● Adjustable settings in each mode
The adjustable settings depend on the mode. (You cannot select any non-adjustable or non-set table function.)
√: Adjustable -: Not adjustable
Icon Function CAL Switch mode
Custom sRGB Text DICOM Movie
Brightness √ √ √ - √
Contrast √-√-√
Temperature √-√-√
Gamma √-√--
Saturation √-√-√
Hue √-√-√
Gain √----
Overdrive √----
Reset √ √ √ - √
● To adjust brightness <Brightness>
The screen brightness is adjusted by changi ng the brightness of the backlight (light source from t he LCD
back panel).
Adjustable range
0 to 100%
1. Choose <Color> from the Adjust ment menu, and press .
2. Choose <Brightnes s> from the <Color> menu, and press .
The <Brightness> menu appears.
3. Use or for adjustment.
4. Press to exit the adjustment.
• You can use or to display the Brightness adjustment menu t o adjust it.
• If you feel that the im age is too bright even if the brightne ss is set to 0% or that the image is too da rk even if the
brightness is set to 100%, adjust the cont rast.