Electro-Voice Speaker System Store Button, Recall Button, Input HPF Button, Input PEQ Button

Models: Speaker System

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10Store Button

Pressing the Store button while in Run mode displays the Store Preset screen in the LCD display and the Store button lights. In this screen edited presets can be named and saved to a user preset location. Pressing the Store button again completes the preset save operation.

To exit without storing the current preset, press the Edit or Setup buttons to return to the Run mode screen.

11– Recall Button

Pressing the Recall button while in Run mode displays the Recall Preset screen in the LCD display and the Recall button lights. In this screen, any of the 60 factory and 20 user presets can be recalled into current memory. Pressing the Recall button again completes the preset load operation and returns the LCD display to Run mode.

To exit without recalling a preset, press the Edit Or Setup buttons to return to the Run mode screen.

12 – Input HPF Button

Pressing the HPF button places the current preset in Edit mode and jumps to the Hi-Pass Filter screen of Input A. Subsequent button presses toggle the display between Input A and Input B.

13 – Input PEQ Button

Pressing the PEQ button places the current preset in Edit mode and jumps to the first screen of the Input Parametric Equalizer. Subsequent button presses toggle the display between Input A and Input B.

14 – Input GEQ Button

Pressing the GEQ button places the current preset in Edit mode and jumps to the the Input Graphic Equalizer screen. Subsequent button presses toggle the display between Input A and Input B.

15 – Input Delay Button

Pressing the Delay button places the current preset in Edit mode and jumps to the Input Delay screen. Subsequent button presses toggle the display between Input A and Input B.

16 – Output X-Over Button

Pressing the X-Over button places the current preset in Edit mode and jumps to the first Output Channel Cross-Over screen. Subsequent button presses step through the six output channels.


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Electro-Voice Speaker System owner manual Store Button, Recall Button, Input HPF Button, Input PEQ Button, Input GEQ Button