Electro-Voice Speaker System owner manual Preset Store, Previously empty Display will

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Make sure that the new preset is appropriate for your system, and that connections to your system are correct for the current configuration. Failure to do so could cause unexpected results or damage to the system or its components.

To exit the Recall process without loading a new preset, press the Edit, Setup or any of the DSP block buttons. (Edit or Setup buttons will return the display to run-time mode. DSP block buttons will display the corresponding DSP block edit screen.)

Preset Store

Edited presets can be stored in one

of 20 User Preset locations. (U01 – Store U20) To store a preset, press the

Store button. The LCD display will

switch to the Store Program screen. Use the Value Up and Down buttons to select the user preset location you wish to designate as the

destination. Locations that already have presets saved in them will display a preset name. Empty locations will display “?” in the name field. You may select an empty location, or a location of a preset that will be over-written.

Press the < Select > buttons to



navigate down to the preset



name field. Use the Value Up



and Down buttons to select the



field for each letter / symbol



character. The DC-One provides the complete ANSI character set, including lower-case &

upper-case letters, numerals and symbols. Pressing and holding the Value Up and Down buttons will scroll rapidly through the character set. Press the < Select > buttons to move to the next or previous character position.

When the preset is







named, press





Store again. If the

















preset location was













previously empty,























the display will




prompt “Are you

sure? Press Store”. If you are overwriting an existing preset the display will prompt “Overwrite Preset? Press Store”. In either case, press Store again to proceed and store the new preset.

To Exit Store without saving the edited preset, press the Edit, Setup or any of the DSP block buttons. (Edit or Setup buttons will return the display to run-time mode. DSP block buttons will display the corresponding DSP block edit screen.)


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Electro-Voice Speaker System owner manual Preset Store, Previously empty Display will