Priortofirstuseof the appliance do make yourself
familiarwiththeinstruction manual. Pay special
attention tothehintson safetymarkedwitha.
Thiswillprevent fromdamages to persons as well
as tothe appliance itself.
Docarefully keep the manualatasafe place and,if
need be,pass iton toyoursuccessoruser.
The applianceisonlyto be used foritspurposeinthe
securityinstructionsand qualitynorms.
The safetymeasuresexisting asamatterofself-
understanding would,however,notcoverallofpossi-
blerisks ofaccidents.


Theconnection tothepowersupplymustexclusi-
velybe carried outby expertelectricians.Moreo-
ver,electricalsafetyhas to be ensured by expert
installation instandard built-incabinets.
Damaged appliancesmustnotbe used.Fuselage to
be cutoff orunscrewed incase of trouble orfailure.
Forsafetyreasonsrepairing,in particularatlive parts
ofthe appliance,hastobecarriedoutbyexpertelectri-
ciansortrained servicetechniciansonly,aspotential
dangerwillresult forthe user. Ifafaultoccurs,please


Always keep small children away.Makesurethat
playing children do notoperatethe appliance.
Toprotectagainstburnsfromhotheating elementsof
the oven the oven doorisprovided withacatchlock,
thatcan normallybe opened byadults,only.

Use and operation

Priortofirstusethe oven mustbe heated up once.
Incase ofcareless handling thereisdangerofbur-
ning oneselfat the heating elementsinthe oven.
Theoven bottom mustnotbe covered with alu-foil.The
heatwill accumulate and may cause damage tothe
Whentaking out the hotitemsdo absolutelymake use
The opened oven door mustnotbe burdened too
heavily,donotsitorstep on it.
When connecting additionalelectricalappliancesto
sockets closetothe oven makesurethe connecting
wiresdo notcomeintocontactwiththe hotappliance
and do notgetjammed withthe hotoven door.
Besidesthe accessories supplied withthe unitdo
exclusivelymake use ofsuitable and temperature--
resistantbaking tinsand roasting dishes.Do please
followthe manufacturers’ instructions.
Afterusemakesurethatthe applianceis switched off.
All of the rotary knobshaveto be resetintothe OFF-


No heating elementmustbe switched on during the
cleaning procedure.Makesurethat the oven has
cooled downinawaythatone maygetintouchwith
Always keep the oven clean.When heating up fat
splashesand spotswill causeinconvenientodours.
Theoven door must firmly close.Ensureclean sealing
surfacesatdoorand doorframe.
Steamand high--pressurecleaningunitsare notsuit-
ableforcleaningbecause of the requirementsofelec-
Importanthintson safety