Usefulhintson practicalproblems

practicalproblempossible cause remedy

Itemsto be baked or roasted would
notreallyriseWrong temperaturesetting Check the temperaturesetwiththe
indicationsof the chart
Itemsto be baked or roasted would
notbecome brownToolowatemperature
Wrong materialof tins/moulds
Increasethe temperaturesetting,
lookintothe state ofcooking,pos-
sibly shorten the time
Withtop and bottomheatmake
use ofdarkoven tinsonly.
Itemsto be baked or roasted would
notregularlybrownIrregularheightReducethe temperaturesetting,
possiblyextend the time
Itemsto be baked or roasted
becometoo darkToohighatemperatureCheckthe temperaturesetwiththe
indicationsof the chart, reducethe
extend the time
Itemsto be baked or roasted
becometoo dryDuration ofbaking too long
because of too lowatemperatureCheck the temperaturesetwiththe
indicationsof the chart, possibly
increasethe temperaturesetting
and shorten the time
Usefulhintson technicalproblems

technicalproblempossible cause remedy

The built-underoven would not
function TroublewiththepowersupplyCheck the fuselage
Oven lighting would notcome on The bulbisdefectiveReplacethe bulb-see page 13
Damaged appliancesmustnotbe used. Incase of trouble orfailure do pleasecut
off orunscrewthe fuselage.
Do notdo anything withthe oven. Inappropriateworkmaylead to damageswith personsand material.
Notbeingin a position tocureatrouble orfailurewiththe help of the hintsdo pleasecontactyourafter-sales-
service oryourfitter.